3 min readFeb 13, 2021



My sister read a post to me that said people shouldn’t intertwine their passions and their careers. By career we mean any job or work that one does purely for the purpose of money. The post said that if we are able to separate the two, then even if our careers become dreary, we’re never going to let it affect our passion, or never have our passion for a specific task or hobby dwindle.

I suppose because this constant labour for money is gut wrenching, difficult and tiring, it would make sense to ensure it isn’t something that we’d otherwise consider a recreational activity. Let’s say that one person loved to sketch, and if they aspired to become an artist, and sadly, failed at accomplishing something remarkable or earning a decent living, then it’s possible they may feel defeated. It’s also possible, that if the person is free of responsibilities, such as their parents livelihood or no younger siblings, wife or children, then this person could consider living on meagre wages and feel all right despite his dwindling circumstances.

However, what of those who spend 8 to 12 hours a day doing something they hate? There are only 24 hours in a day, of which let’s assume we sleep 6 to 7 hours, we wake up, orient ourselves, have a little or no breakfast – that is another 1 to 2 hours. So we’re clocking in at an average of 9 hours that we’ve spent merely recuperating. Now, another 1 to 2 hours can be considered all right for travelling to and fro from work (this is excluding people who have to travel hours on end for getting to work). So now, an easy 11 hours of the day are spent doing absolutely nothing but trying to recharge and get to a place of work. That leaves us with 13 hours. Of which, you’re saying, I should spend a minimum of 8 hours doing something I hate and abhor with every inch of my life, and then for the 5 to hours I have to myself, I should find it in me to do something I don’t detest? That sounds right.

So, for the sake of money, as that seems to be the only way to continue to exist, is it all right that we suffer for it? Curse ourselves and every waking second of the day wondering why we spend 10 hours of the day hating ourselves?

It’s not right. It never was. I would willingly trade my life with that of a farmer or a shepherd, if he only had himself to take care of but loved what he did. Because I can promise you, life is absolutely horrid and painstaking without a day’s rest or joy.

I understand that there is glory and happiness after one perseveres. Only because I believe God must have mercy upon those who struggle senselessly. Apparently, it’s great for character development or something. But I find it hard to persevere, when those around me seem to have profited off the struggles of their forefathers or parents.

It’s just so difficult. And even try as I do, I find it hard to look at this struggle in a different light. To me it’s senseless and I don’t want to live a life with most of my hours having spent teary and weary.




I’m convinced God has better plans written for me except my manual is lost is in space so it’s taking a while.